To prolong the orgasm - it is simple!


How to prolong orgasm?Many men are subject to a popular belief that the orgasm does not depend on features of psychology, actions and the man's habits in any way. The majority considers that achievement of the most advanced stage of satisfaction depends only on physiological factors which do not give in to control, or give in, but is very weak.


We are ready to dispel this myth - by means of artless trainings it is possible to achieve extension of an orgasm on a certain amount of time, to aggravate feelings from him, and also to win a contract on several orgasms. You want to learn it? Then read further.


We learn to prolong an orgasm


  1. We separate an orgasm and an ejaculation

    At first it is necessary to learn to separate, actually, orgasm from an ejaculation. It would seem - these concepts are closely interconnected, and approach of an orgasm indissolubly with process of an ejaculation. But not everything is so bad - feelings which you feel at an ejaculation, it is possible to feel literally for hours during sex, at the same time without allowing the ejaculation. There is nothing difficult in it - just control approach of the moment of an ejaculation and in time reduce speed.

  2. We learn to control a pubic and coccygeal muscle

    Yes, it is that muscle which is responsible for an urination. Besides performance of the main function, she can teach to be detained semen. For a training try to interrupt an urination, and in several seconds anew to continue. After several days it is possible to pass to the following stage of trainings.

  3. "Dry" masturbation

    Feeling that just about you "finish", squeeze a penis tip within about 15 seconds. Try to breathe at the same time slowly and wait until desires to an ejaculation completely pass. It is recommended to repeat this procedure about 3 times before finally "finishing". This method is very effective and can be used for treatment of patients with a premature ejaculation.


Development of this technique will demand not less than several weeks therefore be going to remember youthful years again. Do not despair if the first attempts took place unsuccessfully, and all of you terminated - gradually the level of your skill will rise, and you will be able to detain an ejaculation already without tightening by a penis tip hand.


After the trainings - on competitions!


After all trainings were successfully held, it is necessary to start directly development the technician "in fights". An overwhelming part of female population will estimate your aspirations, a premature ejaculation - not too pleasant phenomenon at beds. Especially considering the fact that on average the men who do not have this disease reach an orgasm many times quicker, than women. Girls at the same time remain unsatisfied. Therefore do not upset girls - train and have sex though for days, without finishing!


Such abilities can bring clear advantage at a campaign to prostitutes. Moths will manage to appreciate the man who is capable to have long sex, feeling pleasure, as at the real orgasm, but without allowing an ejaculation. And from it it is only better for you - it is possible to remove the St. Petersburg courtesan for the whole night and to arrange unforgettable leisure in the Non-Stop mode without any rest, breaks on coffee and cigarettes.


On the website "Fotomodeli" it is possible to look at questionnaires, to choose the prostitute and to remove her for an hour, for two hours or on all night long. We are sure - both cheap, and elite individuals will appreciate you, the few own the technique which is owned now by you.


Will understand only men


And after you in a row had several hours bright and passionate sex, nevertheless it is worth "exhausting" and "splashing out" tension which collected in long hours.


By the way, feelings from an orgasm which was prolonged at several o'clock, much brighter and fascinating, than those which turn out at premature "finishing". Release from tension will be really "explosive" - it will be promoted by quicker reduction of muscles, than usually.


Generally, train in extension of an orgasm, and you have a unique opportunity not only to increase time of occupations by sex, long without "finishing", but also to bring the partner to the peak of pleasure several times for all night long.

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